Summer so far

In the end of June I went home to Norway. The occation was my parent’s 40th anniversary, plus my niese’s baptism. It was good to be with family again, and I also had the chance to go to a place by the sea where my mom’s from. We had wonderful weather, which can not be taken for granted in my country.

July 13th I went off to Sicily. I spent four days in Catania on my own, before I headed off to Mineo. I spent 10 days there, visiting Paolo from Czech Republic. Amongst other stuff, we spent time drying plums and pears on his balcony, rescuing a baby bird (but it refused to be saved, cause it wouldn’t eat! Paolo even tried feeding it to a cat, but the cat wouldn’t have it), eating good Italian food, a trip to Etna and to a beach, visiting a church plus plus. Sicily was boiling hot, so every day we enjoyed a siesta, which suited me perfectly (since I usually always sleep a little during mid day, even at home 😉