
I haven’t really taken loads of photos this spring, but I have a couple. Here is a brief outline of stuff that has happened since my last post.


Today we had our last Interaction team meeting for this semester. We met in Gareth and Liz’ house and enjoyed time in their garden. We laughed a lot like always.IMG_7205-001.JPG

I was invited to a birthday party at a bar at Andel yesterday, and I invited some friends along. Loud music, disco lights and Brasilian rythms!

My parents came for a visit in May.IMG_7192-001.JPG

Slovak Night in UKH Pardubice in May. Estera (who studies medicine in Hradec Kralove) had a very informative presentation for us. Plus, she brought us cheese!

Group meeting with UKH Suchdol in May. Students from Czechia, Romania, Indonesia, Bulgaria and Ghana. Milos led the evening (leader of this group, with the red trousers).


A wonderful walk in Divoka Sarka with church friends a Saturday at the end of April. Amazing weather, fantastic rocks and grand people.IMG_7182-001

Movie night with the Pardubice UKH group in April. We watched Ex_Machina. Recommended! It is filmed near my place in Norway. We ended up discussing morals. We used a discussion form from damaris.org.IMG_7175

My sister Silje and her boyfriend Amund came to visit in April. We had a great time together. They bought me expensive meals, expensive candy and took me to the tech museum. Fun, fun, fun!april2016

Peter Payne came in April and had various lectures for students. This one was in Usti nad Labem, and was about somethingism. He also had talks about comparing The Quran and The Bible.20160412_191552.jpg

In the beginning of April we had a gathering for the students of UKH groups in Prague.20160404_194825

Zambia Night in the UKH group in Pardubice in March. Mutale and Lulu gave us an informative presentation, and served us Zambian food! IMG_6991-001

The prayer group at The Law Faculty in Prague a Wednesday morning in March. Here from our meeting spot at the corner of the entrance hall.

My cousins came to visit in March. Good to see them again and catch up. They are super cool people. We had a nice walk at Vysehrad and we had us some Czech beer. IMG_7014

I lived in my old room at Velka Ohrada a couple of days (swithced room with Mike) and enjoyed cycling in familiar surroundings.IMG_7000

In March I went to Krakow (Poland) with my team mate Nelleke, Joanna (former team member) and Thom and Helled from team Slovakia. We walked around, missed our trams, ate loads, went to the Schindler museum and enjoyed the city.

Random walk near Vltava in February

These photos are taken at a random walk I did one sunny midday in Prague after I had been to Podoli to swim there. Gotto love nature, and I had much fun feeding the birds with old bread crusts. Also fascinating to watch the bird’s social behaviour. In my opinion: Seaguls are nuts. Swans are proud, and a bit stuck up. Ducks are relaxed and a bit careless. Pigeons are always hungry, and try their best to look innocent, but they are very street smart. I was also lucky to spot a beaver. I am not sure what to make of their social behaviour yet. More observation needed.


I love taking walks in the area where I live. For sure, that is one good thing about Velka Ohrada. There are beautiful rock formations, wonderful forests, rivers, lakes and dozens of tracks to follow.


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Lately I’ve had some mud issues going on. DSC_0066 DSC_0071


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Kofola is indeed popular here. Apparently also among birds. Kofola is a Czech type of coke.

From our last monthly fellowship with the homeless in Prague. We had about 30 people coming. We were amazed at them all showing up. Ade had a talk about Job in the Bible, and we had singing and food.



Parts of the homeless ministry group.


From a games night at a pub in town. Great fun.


Marite (IFES worker in Latvia) came to Prague with her friend Ilona. Finally I got to go up in the tv tower. Been there, done that.



Me and Marite did some Prague sightseeing, and I got hungry. I decided, for the first time, to try one of the famous hotdogs they sell. I don’t know, might be just the one I got, but I thought it had too much chewy stuff. Might be just a matter of taste really. Or maybe it depends on where you get them.


Lunch after church at Flora shopping mall. Me, Mary, Mark and Zsofi.


One day after Czech class, I felt my spontaneous heart telling me to have a look at a chuch I’ve been passing several times. In fact, it is a museum now, and I had to pay for a ticket to get inside. Anyhows, I liked it. Some really old wall paintings in there. I lasted about 30 minutes. High level perseverance.

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About a week ago I made a trip to Karlovy Vary. I was invited by one of the students from the student group in Usti. Karlovy Vary is famous for it’s hot springs. The city is the most visited city in Czech Republic after Prague.



According to my guide, Honza, they have a film festival here every summer.


Colorful architecture. IMG_3469

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A hussite church.


Demon in the street. I guess it is art.


Ondrej and Honza in a Czech restaurant/pub. We had a real deal Czech meal. Meat, mashed potato, pickles and beer.


Well, not exactly a masterpiece this one, but the only group selfie I made.


The map here is kinda funny. It shows this one hotel called Pupp. Named after some guy. Look up the word in Norwegian.


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Overlooking the city, there was also a statue of Peter the Great (founder of St Petersburg). Apparently, he had been here, riding on his horse. IMG_3515

This last weekend I went to a leadership training camp with the students in UKH. We went to a place called Bystre. I’m afraid I didn’t take a lot of photos. Anyways, it was a good weekend, with good fellowship and teaching.

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